A Waste of Time

At the beginning of the school semester, I managed to put myself in an art appreciation class. I have been in this class "appreciating art" now for just about 16 months. Some lectures have been rather educational, but most have been a waste of time, yet still entertaining. There is a difference, in my mind anyway, between educational and entertaining. I would rather not be bogged down in a class room when the focus of our learnings is just around the corner. That being said, I have the privelage of being here in Athens, Georgia, a great source for all forms of art whether it be paintings, photography, film, music, or performance art to name a few.

A few weeks back a fellow blogger, Brian Scott, and I decided we would endeavor upon the local arts and host our very own exhibition. With October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we imagined it would be a good gesture to raise money. The day was graciously welcomed with generous people, wacky music, unprofessional paintings, and a variety of cheese.. thats right.. cheese.

So here's the deal... description alone, this art exhitibiton could have been viewed as a joke or nothing more than a waste of time (much like my art class), but you if you ask the folks that attented the event, you will find that it was in fact highly entertaining. It was something different that a group has never experienced... and that is art.

Thats me

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